Athletic Field Services

GCI Turf offers a wide variety of athletic field services.
Fertilization & Weed Control

Choose between a 5 or 7 step yearly program based on your budget. We do offer “grassy” weed control with either program.


We have several different ways to aerate your fields. Aeration help relieve soil compaction and allows air and water to enter the root zone easier. Aeravation, Slice Aeravation, Core Aeration, and Deep Tine Aeration (soon to come)


Vertical cutting slices through rhizomes and stolons of bermudagrass promotes healthy and thicker growth.

Sand Leveling

Sand is transferred to your field in a very efficient manner using specialized equipment. The sand is then smoothed out over the entire playing surface using a specialized leveling attachment. This allows for safe play and smooth mowing.

Sand Topdressing

This process is different from sand leveling. Your field will be aerated or aeravated before a layer of sand is spread over the entire field using a top dresser. Sand is worked into the aeration holes. Benefits include better drainage, better water penetration, improved root growth, and less compaction, just to name a few.

Infield Renovation

We de-compact your infield skin, create new crisp edges, bring in new clay mix, and finish it out by grading the infield leaving it in game ready condition.

Infield Grading

Ensure your field drains right and looks good! Our dedicated infield grading equipment will leave your skin in pristine condition!

New Edges

We will mechanically re-edge all the edges on the infield surface

Pitchers Mound

Holes dug out can cause footing issues. We rebuild the table, the ramp, and the landing zone using a specialized clay designed to compact better.

Home Plate

These areas take a beating! Let us rebuild these areas with a clay designed to take the beating.

Rye Over Seed

Prep your field for spring play with a beautiful stand of dark green rye grass

Dormant Turf Color

Rye over seeding can have it's challenges. A safe and effctive alternative is to paint your turf with a pigment designed for it.

Our Goal

To give you the best ball field possible that not only looks and performs well, but, gives the players the SAFEST ball field to play on

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